
Brise marine

La chair est triste, hélas ! et j’ai lu tous les livres.
Fuir ! là-bas fuir ! Je sens que des oiseaux sont ivres
D’être parmi l’écume inconnue et les cieux !
Rien, ni les vieux jardins reflétés par les yeux
Ne retiendra ce coeur qui dans la mer se trempe
Ô nuits ! ni la clarté déserte de ma lampe
Sur le vide papier que la blancheur défend
Et ni la jeune femme allaitant son enfant.
Je partirai ! Steamer balançant ta mâture,
Lève l’ancre pour une exotique nature !

Tribute to photographer Pierrot Men

Pierrot Men is a photographer living in Madagascar and world famous.

On la Rose des Vents, we are passionate about photography and we are sailors.
We can only admire the work of Pierrot Men who, in addition to mastering the composition, the play of light and matter, shows a real complicity with the main subjects of his photos which are the inhabitants of Madagascar and especially fishermen.

We invite you to explore the works of Pierrot Men on his website: http://www.pierrotmen.com/index.php

Senne scene

While la Rose des Vents was anchored in Chateaubelair Bay on Saint Vincent Island, we had the chance to witness a typical scene of local life: traditional purse seine fishing.

Traditional purse seine fishing is an ancient technique. The fish is encircled in a net maneuvered with the sole strength of the arms. It therefore requires a large workforce. Often all men in a village are mobilized and share the catch. The net is pulled from a boat like here or directly from the beach.